Oral & Maxofacial Surgery

Oral Surgery or Extraction


An extraction means to have a tooth removed, usually because of disease,  trauma or crowding.


If you need an extraction, your dentist will first numb the area to lessen any discomfort. After the extraction, your dentist will advise you of what post extraction regimen to follow

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. In most cases a small amount of bleeding is normal. Your mouth will slowly fill in the bone where the tooth root was through the formation of a blood clot.


Here are some tips to follow to make recovery easier:


  • Avoid anything that might prevent normal healing.
  • Don’t smoke or rinse your mouth vigorously.
  • Avoid drinking through a straw for 24 hours.
  • Follow the diet your dentist suggests.


For the first few days, if you must rinse, rinse your mouth gently. If you experience swelling, apply a cold cloth or an ice bag and call your dentist right away. Ask your dentist about pain medication. You can brush and floss the other teeth as usual. But don’t clean the teeth next to where the tooth was removed.

Remember, when having an extraction, today’s modern procedures and follow up care (as recommended by your dentist) are there for your benefit and comfort.


Our family began to come to Smile Care four years ago when they first opened their doors. We love the Doctors professional and inviting atmosphere. We appreciate their flexibility in getting all of our family members in. Our young children enjoy coming to see Drs. Patel. They truly care for us and our dental needs.

